FIND the voice within and SHINE

Terilyn gets 'in tune' with who YOU are and what YOU want. Working together to either just enjoy yourself and be a better singer or grow into a skilled performer, we are a team. With younger singers, I've found the most challenging part at the start is helping them to understand where their physical instrument is at. Quite often they can sing the chorus of a pop song but then are challenged by sections much to low (or sometimes high) for them. I try to find a balance between maintaining their vocal health and finding songs that will help them develop. Often times they are pushing their sound and singing in keys not best for them which can lead to damaging the vocal chords. I love all styles, popular and musical theatre are my passion. I do work from the Royal Conservatory Of Music Grade Levels and Theory. This is an Excellent method! I love when students work on the other languages with me required in certain Grades. Students wishing to do Graded exams will gain extra credits in school and recognition if wanted to enter music or theatre programs later. I have been honored as a Gold Medal RCM teacher at the Chan Center in Vacouver with one of my students achieving the highest mark! I do believe the student should work on a variety of styles both for vocal health and later directions.


Beginner to Intermediate

I started guitar in my teens and it brings me so much enjoyment to play, sing and write songs. I have had the wonderful experience of watching some of my students progress into performers, writing their own songs. I feel very blessed. For the young upstarts, I like to begin with notes, moving into smaller chord forms and moving forward to other skills as they can achieve it. If they have knowledge reading music, it can help them in music studies at school and getting the guitar chair in the school BAND! You have to read notes there. For those that wish to sing/play better there are performance opportunities all through the year. Also a lot of adults come to me for awhile just to get better strum patterns going and to get through a spot they may be stuck in.



How much fun is this! Whether you are young or old you can learn easy chords and songs! I like to start the younger ones on notes as well as chords to help expand their musical knowledge. I teach notation and tab also to adults who are interested. There is SO MUCH you can do with this little thing!!


Monologues, Poetry, Prose, Shakespeare, Puppetry, Public Speaking

In high school I wanted to be an actor, pursuing a BFA in fine arts was a step towards that. I moved away from it during my time as a country recording artist but I do believe, all that time on stages as a singer songwriter, utilized a lot of my acting skills. After being 'Terilyn Ryan' country recording artist, I went back to my maiden name 'Terilyn Spooner' and released a childrens' CD. In my show I had costumed characters and puppets I created, also I created a play with it called, 'A Crazy Farm.' I started working with my students on monologues for auditions in the Okanagan area. One of these, whom I worked with for several years in voice lessons and theory, is now a professional actor whose first role in the film industry was a speaking role in Deadpool! She has since gone on to major roles with Disney and others! I have had students chosen as Provincial Representative for the Kiwanis. I love it all! I have also helped professionals with presentations and vocal health when having to project at places like swimming pools, gym class and louder environments.


Inspiration and Craft

Words started flowing through me around grade six when I started writing love letters for my friends who had a crush... sealed with a lipstick kiss (borrowed from my mom...lol). My first real song was written in Grade 8 and it's been a wonderful journey since then through a very large musical landscape. I love all kinds of music. I've written all styles but as a recording artist my focus was on country music first, then later childrens' music. I offer a group course that is very helpful for beginners and developing songwriters. I also can work individually with you and help you develop your craft. Contact me to find out more about the group lessons course for cost and starting dates. To work privately contact me anytime.


Very helpful for musical pursuits

I actually never thought I'd use theory as much as I do. I have had students tell me I saved their butt in university by pushing them to get their theory levels. It's the language of music, a great tool. This can be incorporated easily into individual lessons but I've also taught this in groups if enough interested parties.


Let's PLAY!

The summer before entering university I had the good fortune of being hired for one of the best summer jobs I've ever had! The Punch and Judy show that toured Calgary parks and also gave workshops in making puppets. Under the direction of the master puppeteer from the University our creations were fantastic. In my childrens' shows I encorporated large puppets and I've also had a travelling glove puppet show that toured schools. I will be offering courses throughout the year please let me know you are interested and I will notify you as these develop.